About My Dolls


(Photo taken on March 2017)


(Just Like You #3)



Color: Blue
Ice cream flavor: Chocolate chip cookie dough
Number: 10
School subject: Reading & Music

Emily loves to read and would have a book in her hands.  She loves chocolate!  And prefers math over science, although she does love both.  One day she wants to swim at a beach.  One of her favorite outdoor activities is camping!  She loves her sneakers any day because you never know when you will go out and play.  She has a dog named Coconut!  And loves to play her guitar!


(Historical Molly McIntire)



Color: Red
Ice cream flavor: Chocolate
Number: 7
School subject: Math & Gym

Molly loves playing outside and exploring nature.  One of her favorite things is climbing trees, and looking down at everyone below.  She enjoys math because she loves challenging herself.


(Truly Me #39 with custom blue highlights)



Color: Royal Blue
Ice cream flavor: Superman
Number: 2
School subject: Music & sometimes Writing

Cassidy is a star, or at least she wants to be.  She hopes to be on stage one day,  She loves playing her guitars and putting on shows for her sisters.  And sometimes she even ropes them in for shows.  She is always happy to be a leader and takes charge when she needs too.

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