Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Camera For My Doll!

To be honest this craft was not my idea, I took an idea from MyFroggyStuff and modified it how I wanted it, which is why this isn't a how to, but more of a how I did it and you can try it this way too.

Now I have always wanted a camera for my doll, and I made the Polaroid one MyFroggyStuff had, but I wanted a digital one.  So on one of her more recent videos she made a newer looking camera and ideas came forming in my mind.  I gathered my supplies and got started.

I started off by drawing the basic camera shape I wanted on a piece of paper board.

I traced about twenty or so of the little shape and cut them out.

I did end up drawing more than I needed, but I figured I would just save that for a later craft.  And a side note about this, I had to flip my tracer over to make sure I had a few going both ways because I didn't want any of the colored parts shown.

I took three of the paper board cut outs and cut out a notch for where I wanted a picture to slide in.  And then I cut out rectangles in two of the cut outs for the window to see the picture.

I glued them all together and then sanded down the edges to make them smooth.  I did eventually just glue cardboard on the sides to make them more even because I didn't want to sit there sanding for any longer than I did.

Next for the handle and lens on the camera I rolled some paper on a toothpick and made the shapes I wanted.  It took some experimenting and some not so good ones, but I liked the ones I made.

Here they are drying with all the glue I used and I used a lot.  I wanted it to last, so don't be afraid to glue, glue, glue!

After everything was dry I started to paint the camera!  I went with the regular black and then added some different features on the back of the camera with other colors.

I also added a bead on top as the button when you click to take the picture.

I put a layer of clear drying glue on top and presto!  And the added jewel to make the lens look real was added.

To make the pictures, I just sized down my own pictures to tiny size, glued them on paper board, and put on a layer of clear drying glue to keep them sturdy.  I like how my little camera turned out.  Now only if I could have one like this.  (That was my apology for having not so good pictures, but it was night when I finished and my phone camera doesn't like darkness at all.)

Have a wonderday!

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