Saturday, June 20, 2015


You have no idea how excited I was when the UPS guy came to our door today.  I had no idea that Our Generation would be sending the tent poles via UPS, but appreciate it all so much!  The tent poles and connectors came in their packaging.

I think my tent is around 12 to 13 years old.  I'm not sure really.  I just know I've had it for quite awhile.  Here it is flat out of the bag it comes with.  Mine isn't really all that different from those out now, just mostly different coloring.

It's main color is orange, with pink sides and blue accents.

Putting the tent together is quite easy.  I remember it being kinda tricky the first time I put it together, but the rods a bit smaller than the set that came with the tent (the old rods are actually quite bent too, not sure what I am going to do with them yet)  But the new ones still fit perfectly.

The connector at the top holds it all together.

And here we have the tent!

The logo is on the left door.  Like I said it's over ten years old and this was the logo back then.

The doors open and you can tie them open.  For closing them, there is hook and loop tape (Velcro) to keep them closed.

Here is one side with the window down.

The back!

And the other side with the window open.  You can see inside of the tent.  The windows are a mesh material, just like on a real tent.

Here is picture of the inside, I just went crazy with taking pictures.

I cleaned Coconut today and she looks better than she has in quite a while.  And here she in the tent.

I added the sleeping bag I have that was also bought when the tent was.  I have a better look at it on this post.

It would comfortably fit two dolls if you want too.

I put Emily inside to show you how she fits inside.  I should have used a camera with a flash, but I hope to do a photo shoot outside with all of the fun camping things I have been working on lately.  I have a few more ideas to do too!

I am going to ramble for a bit now.  The reason I wanted to get new tent pole connectors and not just buy a new tent, was because this tent bought for me by my grandmother.  She was ecstatic when I got my American Girl doll.  She bought me a few outfits that Christmas I received her.  And she promised to make a tent for her when we were at JoAnns buying patterns to make clothes for her.  But she never got around to it, so she bought this for me.  About five years ago my grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.  Everything happened quickly after she was diagnosed.  She doesn't remember me anymore, but I feel that those moments we had like when she bought me this tent were special.  And that's why I was so happy when Our Generation said they would send the tent poles to me.  I hope they know how wonderful just that small gift of generosity was.

Have a wonderday!

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